Peace... Let's Get back to It!
"Free Hugs" image borrowed from
Ever wonder what Facebook posts would have been like had it been created in the 60s or 70s? What hashtags would have been popular on Instagram? I don't know about you, but I would like to believe that there would have been some more valuable global hashtags than #instalike or #instakardashian ( that a thing yet?).
I would like to believe that there would have been more photos of peace signs and atrocities that need to be changed. When I looked up the hashtag #worldpeace on Instagram, only a measly 400k posts showed up.
Here we are with this amazing gift of a social platform called Facebook that connects us globally, and we've reduced its personal usage to posts about your baby's first poop and where you had lunch.
I want more! I want more from our generation! From our era! I want more from the Baby Boomers who criticize "today's youth" for being on their phone too much. You know what they are doing? They are posting their thoughts and photos of the day. You know what you could be doing? Encourage them to have deeper meanings to their posts. Encourage them to engage in or create thought provoking conversations.
I have a 90 year old grandfather who is still learning how to use his iPad and e-mail. He doesn't write much, but every day I get around 5-10 emails of news articles, "forwarded" opinion e-mails or e-mails about dogs and blonde-jokes that he knows I would love.
Sign up for e-mail newsletters such as, World Wildlife Fund, or whatever it is that you're truly passionate about underneath the surface of what your profession projects. Encourage your children to "like" and "follow" the organizations that they are interested in which can provoke philanthropy, philosophy, creativity, health education, and beyond. If you see that they are already following an organization, ask them about it. Ask them if they would like help in getting a club at school started, a volunteer program, or if they would like help in getting their plea to a government official.
I won't quote too much in my postings... and certainly this one coming from a Marvel character may not particularly be astounding.. but one quote that has always stuck with me is this: "With great power, comes great responsibility."
We as humans have the ultimate power and therefore the ultimate responsibility. We have the power to help our neighbors, help our environment, help our next generation. In contrast, we also have the power to destroy, to pollute, to poison the next generation.
It is our responsibility as a society to become responsible. To not litter, to not waste resources, to not waste our lives, to not harm others.
So what is peace? What are these people in Union Square, New York doing offering "Free Hugs"? What are we so afraid of?
I invite you to submit an essay on how you would help change the world for the better "if you could". My only requirement is that it doesn't "bash" anyone or any culture. My connections are strong. And if you know me, you know that if I'm truly passionate about you and your stance, I will do whatever I can to make sure that it gets out there or goes on to the next level. You never know who might read your article. You never know... your article might just help change the world...!
For essay submissions, (privately or for a potential feature), please e-mail: